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Britax Romer德國生產線型號


產品尺寸:(H) 60-83cm x (W) 44cm x (D) 47cm




  • 使用ISOFIX 及上拉帶 (76-150cm 階段)
  • 安全帶作安裝 (只限100-150cm 階段)



– 76-100cm (1-3),使用5點式安全帶,舒適肩帶保護墊

– 100-150cm (3-12),改用成人安全帶,輔以獨有專利 XP-Pad 安全帶胸部保護墊,及腿間保護柱 Secure Guard,頂尖保護力

特窄椅身 (44cm),安裝後車內仍有很多空間


優秀短身 ISOFIX 基台設計,不會頂住ISOFIX 插座,椅背更貼更穩,更合房車如寶馬5系、Mercedes C classTesla S

專利 ISOFIX 插腳,可把撞擊力下卸再後卸


萬一發生碰撞,專利的Pivot Link ISOFIX系統可將力量首先向下引導到汽車座椅,然後再輕輕地向前引導,這樣大大降低了孩子頭部和頸部受傷的風險。

In case of an impact, our patented Pivot Link ISOFIX System directs the force first downward into the vehicle seat, and then forward more gently. This greatly reducing the risk of head and neck injury for your child.


SecureGuard 在三點式安全帶上增加一個額外的第四接觸點來幫助保護孩子的腹部區域,有助於在發生正面碰撞的情況下減少多達35% 的腹部撞力,同時使您的孩子在旅途中自由活動。

The SecureGuard helps to protect your child’s delicate abdominal area by adding an extra – a 4th – contact point to the 3-point seat belt. By keeping the lap belt in an optimal position over your child’s pelvic bones SecureGuard helps reduce abdominal forces in the event of a frontal collision by up to 35 %, and at the same time allows your child freedom of movement during the journey.



Our SICT and the V-shaped headrest offers superior and optimal protection to your child in the event of a side collision. The specially designed V-shape headrest control the movement of your child’s head while providing ultimate comfort.

BRITAX ROEMER AdvansaFix i-Size Car Seat 15個月至12歲汽車座椅

HK$4,980.00 Regular Price
HK$3,984.00Sale Price
Colour 顏色
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